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What We're Up To

DCPG is involved in many projects and activities throughout Dorchester County. 

DCPG Board and volunteers help plant rain garen at Sailwinds Park
Stormwater Education Station


DCPG partnered with Dorchester Tourism, the Nanticoke Watershed Aliance, Environmental Concern, and The City of Cambridge to build a stormwater educaiton station at the Visitor's Center at Sailwinds Park.  The station, a small wooden frame structure, has permiable pavers for a floor, downspouuts connected to rain barrels, and a rain garden.  Soon it will also have a green roof!  Educational signs give homeowners examples of what they can do around their homes to reduce stormwater runoff to protect local tributaries and the Chesapeake Bay from the pollutants carried by stormwater.

DCPG recognized Libby Nagel for Stewardship Award
Keys & Trees Fundraiser


Keys & Trees Fundraiser benefits DCPG's Creekwatcher water monitoring program.  Come join us for a wonderful evening of music with guest speaker Bob Leverett, expert on old growth forests.


DCPG recognized Libby Nagel for Stewardship Award
Stewardship Award


Dorchester resident Libby Nagel was recognized for a "lifetime devoted to stewardship of the natural and cultural resources of Dorchester County" at the DCPG Annual Meeting on January 31, 2016.


DCPG Creekwatcher volunteer demonstrates instrument to students


Since 2008, DCPG volunteers have been monitoring water quality at 9 locations every 2 weeks!  There are 3 stations on the Little Blackwater, One on the Transquaking, the Chicomocomico, and 3 Choptank stations.  Water quality indicators that are monitored include total nitrogen, total phosphorous, dissolved oxygen,  e. coli bacteria, as well as temperature and turbidity.


This photo shows Creekwatercher Richard Ball demonstrating one of the qater quality meters to a group of local students.

DCPG Volunteers collected trash from local waterway during Project Clean Stream
Project Clean Stream


Every April we join with the Aliance for the Chesapeake Bay for Project Clean Stream.  Groups throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed come together to clean up creaks, rivers, and waterways. "In 2015, Project Clean Stream brought in approximately 3.1 MILLION lbs of trash with more than 44,000 volunteers across 2,200 cleanup sites!"



Dorchester artists lend their talent to DCPG's Rain Barrel Art Project
Rain Barrel Art Project


DCPG provided 50 gallon plastic barrels to local artists to be painted.  The barrels were later auctioned off at our Rain Barrel Gala event.  The event was a huge success and the painted barrels were incredible! You may spot them around town or maybe in your neighbor's back yard.

DCPG recognized Libby Nagel for Stewardship Award
Beautiful Swimmers Film Screening


DCPG sponsored a screening of the film Beautiful Swimmers on April 14th at 447 in Cambridge.  


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