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Annual Meetings & Awards

2020 Stewardship Award


DCPG president Fred Pomeroy stated: “this year we are privileged to honor a local artist of national and international stature whose lifetime body of work inspires our organization’s stated aim of promoting the principles of good stewardship of the many natural assets of our county and the Eastern Shore.” Through his many years as a staff photographer for the Chesapeake Bay Journal, to books like "Water's Way: Life Along the Chesapeake," "The Nanticoke: Portrait of a Chesapeake River," and "Choptank Odyssey," and documentary films such as "High Tide in Dorchester," "Beautiful Swimmers Revisited," and "An Island Out of Time," Dave has highlighted the fragility and beauty of the Chesapeake Bay and Dorchester County. Dave has been a long-time supporter of DCPG. His film "Nassawago Legacy" was shown at our Annual Meeting and will premier at the Environmnetal Film Festival in March in Washington DC and in April will be featured on Public Television's Chesapeake Bay Week. His film "A Voice for the Rivers" will be featured at this year's Cambridge Film Festival.

2019 Stewardship Award


In 2019, DCPG presented lifelong Dorchester resident Bill Geise with our stewardship award. In addition to his 40 year career with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bill has served as chairman of the Dorchester Soil Conservation Service, he has also served on a variety of committees and boards including the state Soil Conservation Committee, the Maryland Critical Areas Commission, the Dorchester County Planning and Zoning Commission, and the board of the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance.

DCPG recognized Libby Nagel for Stewardship Award
2018 Stewardship Award


Margaret Wright (Midge) Ingersoll was presented with this year's Stewardship Award for her work with the historic Handsell property and her dedication to the preservation of Dorchester County's cultural heritage.


DCPG recognized Libby Nagel for Stewardship Award
2017 Stewardship Award


At our Annual Meeting in January 2017, DCPG awarded Johnny Shockley with the Environmental Stewardship Award for his work with oyster aquaculture in the region and for promoting sustainable technology here in Dorchester County and around the world.


DCPG recognized Libby Nagel for Stewardship Award
2016 Stewardship Award


Dorchester resident Libby Nagel was recognized for a "lifetime devoted to stewardship of the natural and cultural resources of Dorchester County" at the DCPG Annual Meeting on January 31, 2016.


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